At United Yorkie Rescue we are blessed with an extraordinary success rate in finding forever homes for our rescued foster dogs. To share this joy we've created this "Happy Tails" page. Happy Tails is devoted to the celebration of these wonderful stories with everyone who loves dogs. We hope that you enjoy these "Tails" as much as we have. Thank you!!

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Bailey and Shy

Sure - you can use these pictures. The story, well, it's a happily-ever-after one! We were a little concerned, adopting a dog over 2000 miles from home, but because you, Rene, so accurately portrayed Shy's personality, it worked out perfectly! Shy is now living with and loving his Yorkie brother, Bailey, his older sister, Tessa, and his five cat-siblings in York County, Pennsylvania. He hasn't been introduced to any kids yet, but don't think that will be a problem given his easy, laid-back attitude! He went on his first family vacation with Mommy, Daddy, and Bailey, to Myrtle Beach for a week, and he loved the beach!

Shy has adapted so incredibly well to our home, and loves to run in his big back yard, and to pick raspberries with Mommy. He seems to spend most of his time sleeping on the bed with the rest of the crew when we're not home, and just has the biggest smile on his face when we walk in the door! Such a wonderful, precious little guy, and we love him so much we feel like he's been ours forever!

Thanks, Rene!

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PJ and His New Mom

PJ's New Mom Writes to UYR!

I met precious little PJ at my office and after spending the day with him I decided he would be mine. I was surprised to hear that he was 10 years old because he has sooooo much energy!!!! (He runs circles around my parents dog Gadget who is also 10) When I took him home he was soooo excited he had friends to play with even though my parent's two other dogs are very old and not very fun!!! (well old in spirit considering PJ and Gadget are the same age but PJ acts just like a puppy... even better, he is a potty trained puppy!) PJ loved to chase my little brother's cat and she just loved to play hard to get and sit on a high spot so he could see her but couldn't get to her. Sometimes she would brush her tail across his head and tease him. However, two weeks ago my little brother's cat became a mom and PJ decided to play daddy!!!! He loves to protect the little ones!!! (He and Beatrix still manage to fit in time to play!!) Then, as if he didn't have enough people & pets to play with, my sister and her son moved back home!!! PJ just loves little Christian and he runs circles around the baby causing him to laugh and laugh!!! I am moving next week but don't worry about PJ because as soon as his adopted children are old enough to leave their mom we are going to pick one to come live with us!! Hopefully he or she will enjoy teasing and running around with PJ as much as Beatrix does!!

Diana McCraw

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Munchkin with mom, brother, and Aunt Pixie

Munchkin with mom, Ricky, and brother Henry

Munchkin went to be with his "FOREVER FAMILY" on 01/20/2007.

His new mom Rickie Hoffman and 100 pound fur-brother Henry just love him soooo much, and does Munchkin LOVE them!!

Here's a little note that Munchkin sent to me.

Dear Foster Mom:

Munchkin here. Just wanted to let you know that I'm doing very well at my new home! I have a younger but much bigger brother, Henry, who seems to not mind that I'm here taking up my new Mom's lap space and time. He sometimes even tries to play with me but he's so much larger than I am that my new Mom tells him to 'take it easy' with me. Hmpf! Doesn't she know that I'm a big dog on the inside?

Anyway, I'm receiving a lot of love and attention and I've even put on a couple pounds, so my hip bones don't stand out anymore. My new Mom says that I look great! She says that she'll have to buy me a new jacket 'cause I've just about out-grown my old one.

She must really love me 'cause she's always giving me treats and teaching me how to do things like sit and 'give paw' (so who says that old dogs can't learn new tricks?!). I've even given her a couple kisses and she really liked that! Pretty soon, I'll have her eating out of my paw!

She also took me to the doctor and they said that I look like a spry 4 year old - instead of a 9 year old! I'm just in great shape, that's all!

Mom gave me a bath last night and I let her fuss over me and brush me and make me look all handsome. She even said I smelled better too!

Oh, and I have a new 'Grandma' too. She comes twice a day to let us guys out and give us treats! Wow! What a gig this is ~ I think I'll stay here forever!

We also have a lake in our backyard and you won't believe this, but we can 'walk on water' right now! You'll have to come and visit in the summer to see how wonderful it is!

Please say "Hi!" to all the other 'fur-kids' and thank you so much for finding me such a wonderful place!

Luv and kisses,


Munchkin and Ricky finding each other was meant to be. While at a Psychic Fair just browsing through a bookstore with Munchie, a psychic came over and asked to speak with Munchkin. Here, Ricky and Munchkin were once together in a previous life-time.

Ricky wrote:

So in the car on the way home (I've purchased him a doggie car seat), I looked over at him and asked him "Why did it take you 9 years to find me?!!" - He just gave me the sweetest look from those big brown eyes! (Like, where have YOU BEEN for the last 9 years!

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Kodi & New Dad


Kodi was an adorable yorkie boy, only 3 y/o, who was rescued from a high-kill shelter in South Florida and had signs of past abuse. He was just another throw-away pup, covered in ticks and fleas and it was obvious he had been neglected his entire short life.

Flash Forward several weeks (4/3/08)..........Kodi has been re-named "Yo". His new dad, Jay, and he are having a total blast. New Dad says that it only took 3-4 days for "Yo" to realize he was in his new FORever home. He reports that Yo seems more content and not as nervous about him stepping out. Dad said that he is such a smart little dude.....he already has learned "sit", "stay", "hungry?", "attack" (which means it's time to rough-house), and of course "bad dog".

New Dad said that they guys do sleep together...twice a day. Seems that they both like an afternoon nap. He says that Yo has become (in his mind only) a 120 lb. watchdog with a ferocious bark. ...he'll lay for hours watching the neighbors' dogs.

Direct quote from new Dad Jay.........."........you see, we're happy as dogs sitting under a shade tree. It just doesn't get any better---we both got lucky."

Jay and his buddy, the Yippin' Yorkie, Yo.

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