At United Yorkie Rescue we are blessed with an extraordinary success rate in finding forever homes for our rescued foster dogs. To share this joy we've created this "Happy Tails" page. Happy Tails is devoted to the celebration of these wonderful stories with everyone who loves dogs. We hope that you enjoy these "Tails" as much as we have. Thank you!!

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Hello, Just wanted to say Hi & Let You Know that the Girl's are doing Great! Jaide's The protective Big Sister, Whenever Another Dog is around. Daizee's making great progress with her Housebreaking. During Fay last week we put fake grass in the screen porch area & She went there it was awesome. We Couldn't be happier. Thank you All so much Aren't they just Gorgeous in These pictures??

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The old Romeo

Romeo/Watson's new look

Romeo, now known as Watson, came into UYR because his former family was unable to spend enough time with him and they wanted a better home for him. He was a very sweet little boy who suffered from mild separation anxiety because of his history of being left alone so much. Below is an email from Watson's new family - sounds like he's living large - in Germany!

Watson is doing fantastic; he has been with us now for 15 months and is such a wonderful little guy. We moved from Tampa to Germany last summer and will be here for another year. We live in a nice house that has a fenced in backyard. The living room has big picture windows that look out into the yard and Watson and his brother Webster spend hours looking out the window; if they see something they want to bark at, they run out the dog door. Just behind the yard is the forest where we take Watson and his brother Webster on nice walks. The neighbors all take their dogs for walks through the woods, so that gives "the boys" plenty to bark at throughout the day. The two of them get along really well and are fun to watch and be around. Watson likes to be around someone, so he will follow me around the house, or his his dad if I am not home. He takes naps on the couch either on a blanket or propped up on a couple of pillows (his favorite) and likes to sleep curled up on the bed at night. He has been a wonderful addition to our family. Thank you UYR for allowing us to adopt this precious little boy!

From Watson's Forever Mom & Dad & Fur-Brother Webster

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Scamp, Sadie, and Khaki

Khaki's forever mom writes......Khaki is such a sweet little teddy bear. He loves to play with his big brother Scamp. He barks at him to wake up and play when he is bored and chases him around the Christmas tree. He loves going on walks, to the dog park, playing with squeaky toys, and of course, snuggling. He does not have a mean bone in his body and loves anyone he meets whether they are people, dogs or even cats. The only thing that seems to bother him is when squirrels invade his yard and he has to defend his territory. We are so lucky to have met him and he is a perfect fit into our playful family.

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Brodi and mom

Brody has been with me now for just over 2 years and I couldn't be happier with his progress. Having only one eye does NOT slow him down even a little bit. He's a very active little boy who loves to chase squirrels in the yard, go for long walks to nowhere or to the big Avenue to do our shopping on the weekend (thankfully Greenwich is a very dog friendly town), or go to the dog park. Brody makes friends wherever he goes... He's also the BEST snuggler I've ever known. If he's not on my lap, he's on my feet or right up against me. He's still learning not to jump on people, but he just can't help himself when he gets really excited. Most people who get to spend time wtih him love to watch him play with his toys (he can entertain himself for quite some time with just one toy!). My world would not be complete without this little peanut. I thank you all at UYR for the AMAZING work you do for these pups! If it weren't for Dianne saving him from certain death and nursing him back to health after his eye was removed, and for Casey who was his second foster mommy, he would not be with me today. I can't thank you all enough!

Here are a few words from Brody himself...

Hi everyone! It's me Brody here! I have a great new home where I am the King of the Castle. Well, it's not that new cuz we've been together for 2 years, wow how time flies when you're having fun! I have lots and lots of toys that I love to play with, my mommy takes me for lots of long walks even though we have a fenced yard (which is also super fun), i get to go on nature hikes twice a week with a pack of dogs (they call it socialization or something... I just call it fun), i sleep in the big person bed (and take up almost the whole thing) and my mom lets me snuggle up against her, and I get lots and lots of love from my mommy. She calls me her little hero. I'm not sure why, but it makes me feel very special. Thank you to everyone who took care of me when I was sick. I don't remember much of it, but i think that's a good thing. paws and kisses, Brody

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Spider playing with Annie

Happy New Year to you, too! It is so nice to hear from you. I just don't know where the time goes! Sorry I haven't written sooner. We have been following the site and did notice Talbot and Bear are gone. We are soooo happy to know they too have their forever homes.

What can I say about Spider!! He is such a wonderful boy, I can't find the words to describe him! He is everything we could have hoped for. He is happy, good temperament, minds well, wants to please, loves Annie (and Annie loves him), very affectionate, excellent on the leash . . . .. I could go on and on. All of us are just "in love". He has fit into our family perfectly. I really didn't think Annie would play with him like she does, being the "prissy" Shih Tzu she is. Annie and Spider play so well together, and he is so good and gentle with her. He does get a little rough sometimes, but, I think Annie likes it. Annie will put him in his place when he does get rough or takes her toy one too many times out of her mouth. She and Spider play with their mouths, rather than wrestle like he and his brothers did. They both sound like a couple of "wookies" when they get going and get quite verbal and loud. They are just adorable. Then there is the chase. Spider is the more aggressive one and loves to have Annie chase him. Our house is such that they can do laps, and boy do they! Excellent exercise for both of them. We have this huge field next to our property that we take him to. We do about three laps (which I'd say is at least 1 mile). He is in his element! He loves it so much, and just has a ball out there. When we took him to the beach for the first time, everything was new and wonderful. I don't think he'd ever seen seagulls or the beach and waves. As much as he loves that too, we think he loves the field more. He has become quite spoiled and does expect to be able to go to the field or beach everyday.

We feel so lucky and thankful that we found him through you. He is just such a joy and makes us laugh all the time. Before we got him, I told Annie I was going to get her a brother. Instead, I got her a boyfriend! It's so wonderful that they get along so well and that we will all grow old together.

We thank you , and the Yorkie Rescue, so much for him!

Rene, I am attaching a couple of pictures. The above is quite lengthy, but feel free to use part or all of it on the website. I hope your work has slowed down for you and you can get a much needed break, and that your family is well.

One thing I almost forgot to tell you. He ate an awful lot when he first got here. He has gained about 4 lbs and weighs almost 15lbs. His eating has settled down and he eats twice a day now. He built muscle and is stockier. He looks wonderful, happy and healthy. We've got the perfect boy. We both hit the lottery!


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Coco has a new family


He is so sweet. He did amazingly well. He explored the house for a long time and ate all his food and had a treat. When it was time to go to bed, I was worried that he would probably be up all night since he was in a strange place, but he slept next to our bed in a dog bed. He did sleep with us for awhile, but then jumped down. He is sitting on the couch watching me right now. He is such a love. I will definitely send you pictures soon. He seems very attached to me already and he is excited every time my son is around. He still seems a little leery of my husband, but hopefully, that will pass in a few days. Tim is gone till Wednesday for work, so they will have to get reacquainted then. Thanks again for helping us adopt Coco. We love him!


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Dweezil and Baxter

Hi everyone DWEEZIL here.

Just wanted to let you all know that I am

Getting along great in my new home!

My original family was not able to keep me so they gave me

To this nice lady at UYR who found me a home and

FM sure picked a good fur ever home for me.

I had a long ride from Virginia to Florida

But I knew I liked my new mommy and daddy right from the start.

My new mommy gives me lots of kisses and hugs and she calls me and my

Fur brother her little men.

My new daddy and I play with the toys a lot.

I turned 3 in my new home and

I had a great BD party.

My new fur brother (Baxter) and I play all the time.

Baxter is a little older than me. He is 4.

My new mommy and daddy think it is cute that

I want to do everything my older fur brother does.

My new mom took me to the Doctor and he says I'm in great health and

I even got a hair cut.

I like it a lot here cause I have lots of toys and I get lots of bones and my new mommy even gives me some people chicken. My new mommy says I have a great appetite whatever that means?

She says I never miss anything.

I like the grandbaby (Jade) and I play with her

All the time when she visits.

I take lots of walks with my new brother, daddy & mommy and car rides too.

Oh, and I forgot to tell you the most important

Thing!!!!! I Get to sleep in the BIG BED!!!!

Hey, I forgot to tell you my new mommy and daddy loved my name

So I am keeping it.

Hope you like the pics of my new fur brother and me.

Dweezil Out.

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Dorrie with her FURever Family!

Dorrie has been in her FURever home for a month now. Foster Mom and Dad say that she is just fantastic and that they adore her; saying that Dorrie has really made herself comfortable in her new home. She has even won over Pearl, the family kitty cat. They want to thank United Yorkie Rescue for bringing Dorrie into their lives!

What a happy ending, for a little girl who was brought into a high kill shelter in a pot from Home Depot, with large mammary tumors and itchy skin - fast forward a few months to a beautiful ending to a not-so-happy beginning. We all just love happy tails stories!

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Sis, mom, and Willow

Hi Mommy Wendy and all my friends at UYR,

Sorry this update comes a bit late, but I have been having so much fun!!! I am sooooooo spoiled. Mommy and daddy squeeze and kiss me so much, especially when I get all snuggley and cozied up next to them. They say they can't help it~ I am so cute and sweet and soft and fluffy. That's right, I have tons of fur now. Mom calls me a fur-ball. Can you believe it? From nearly bald to long, beautiful hair! I just love it here. I get to take rides down to the lakefront with the whole family (Chicago sure is pretty) and I get so many walks in a day I can hardly stand it! Mom says she sees how happy walks make me...I go nuts when I see the leash...she says my legs turn into pogo sticks....and she just wants me to be happy all the time. I think she is trying to make up for the rough times she believes I had in the past.

And I have even come to love the lil sis, Bella. Don't tell her, though. I'd never get any rest. As it is, she doesn't realize that I am no spring chicken. Play, play, play...all that lil one wants to do. And if I am not in the mood, boy does she get angry. Talk about spoiled! She still has some manners to learn...mom is trying real hard! I thought I found myself a nice little retreat under the bed for when the sis gets in that mood. Oh well, she found me and has taken over. Mommy makes sure I get to sleep peacefully and dream about my wonderful life. The nice part is, when I wake, the dream doesn't end!

I can't thank you enough, mom Wendy and daddy Dennis, for nursing me back to health and for trusting your gut with my forever parents. I know it was hard to let me go, cuz I am such a sweet girl (hee hee), and it was sad for me, too. But things are perfect now, and I had to make room for you to help another baby in need. Tell Molly we are all praying for her to find the perfect forever home just like I did. Until then, I know she has the best of everything with you and the gang!!

I am attaching some snapshots of myself and the sis. Mom always has that darn camera out...I feel like I have the papparazzi after me!

A note from mom: There is nothing more I can say except that our lives are just so complete with Willow. We couldn't love her more. I must say, Eric is VERY protective of this lil fluff-ball. He even insists on being the one to take her to any doc or grooming appointments. I actually heard him ask as he was squeezing her once, "Where has my girl been my whole life???" We do wish we could have taken care of her and protected her since birth, but we know things are as they were meant to be. And we feel blessed. Thank you for all you do, Wendy and everyone at UYR.

Love and kisses from Chicago.


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Rudy's New Family

Rudy was previously surrendered to UYR by his former owner who had to move and was unable to keep him. Rudy is a 2 y/o male yorkie who is so sweet & adorable. He gets along with everyone & everypuppy - he loves to cuddle and having a lap to lie in is really very inviting. He is very curious about everything because he in experiencing many things for the first time, and is a very quick learner - saying he is "smart" doesn't even begin to give him enough credit. When Rudy came to UYR, he was shy, sweet, affectionate and very clingy. He has certainly blossomed-still sweet and affectionate, but now he has totally developed his personality.

Rudy's foster mom transported him all the way from West Palm Beach, FL to his new home in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, where he was warmly greeted by the entire neighborhood. To meet Rudy is to fall in love with him. In Rudy's Happy Tails photo, he is the one in the middle, his 10 y/o brother Pendelton is on the left, and sister Penelopy is on the right. Pendelton has taken Rudy in as a brother, teaching him all the tricks that you would and would not like. They play tag & soccer in the yard, get as wet as possible in the lawn sprinklers, take papers and credit cards out of purses and hide them under the bed - after parading past you so you must join in on the chase, and hide-in-the-tomato-beds games. Rudy barked for the first time while running after Pendelton - he finally found his voice! Rudy taught his new brother and sister about yummy oatmeal for breakfast, and that hanging out on the backs of the furniture will give you the best view of your surroundings. Rudy is a most wonderful and incredible Yorkie. His foster mom misses him a lot but she plans on many visits to see this precious little fella.

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I love my new life!

Hello Marta,

Just a quick hello to everyone. Wow another month has passed. Hope all is well by you. Everything here is fine. Comet has adjusted very well to his new home. He is doing great with his training, ahead of his class in most areas. Still a pup!! Walking on the leash without pulling, and does not jump up on strangers upon meeting them. And most of all he waits for the OK to go outside, doesn't dash out anymore.

He now "escorts" Socks (The chicken) from her barn in the morning up to the house where she eats her scratch, and comet is on "Bird patrol" they get along like friends, socks doesn't mind him a bit. Now that's a first around here.....Still not a "Barker" but just a little signal when I arrive home after work and enter the bedroom while Trish is sleeping, but that's a good thing.

Most of the time he is waiting for me in the kitchen, to go for a quick walk in the back and then it's "Cookie time". He has me trained...He is really a fast learner, Great Dog!!!!!

Comet loves to be brushed and his coat is getting longer. We just love him!!!!!

Take care for now.

Joe & Trish

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Rosie in her favorite spot

Rosie loves this bed.

This is Rosie who was adopted to the Reavis Family in North Carolina.

Rosie has found her place with her new family, right in the middle of her skin-sister's bed!

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Hunter cruisin'

Hunter has a new home with his new Mommy, Dana.

Here is Hunter & his Mommy on a cruise! Spoiled? nawwwww!

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Happy Ending for Casie

Casie is a Happy Ending

Casie was only a year old when she was found wandering the scary streets. She was so matted that her beautiful coat needed to be shaved down. She is extraordinarily sweet for such a young puppy. She'll never have to worry about being homeless again - she has been adopted into a wonderful home where she has an older brother Doobie (who she really loves and sticks to like glue) that will be teaching her about doggie manners and how to play, play, play! She has a big back yard to run and play in and lots of flowers and other things to sniff - she's in heaven. Casie's new dad said that she adapted so well that it was like she has always been there. He said that she is such a lovable pup and definitely wants to sleep in the bed - where else would a little princess sleep? We just love happy endings.............

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Tinkerbell/Harlee has a Happy Ending!

Tinkerbell lived the first 5 years of her life in a small crate as a backyard breeder; as a result of this she hates to be crated and still suffers from separation anxiety. UYR found her the most perfect home for her where she is dearly loved. She has been re-named Harlee and is just doing great. She is dearly loved in her new home. She is still scared of loud noises and startles easily but she's getting much better. Her new mom and dad found out she loves to travel! Isn't that wonderful? What a sweet Happy Tails story for a very loving little girlie.

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Bailey and Shy

Sure - you can use these pictures. The story, well, it's a happily-ever-after one! We were a little concerned, adopting a dog over 2000 miles from home, but because you, Rene, so accurately portrayed Shy's personality, it worked out perfectly! Shy is now living with and loving his Yorkie brother, Bailey, his older sister, Tessa, and his five cat-siblings in York County, Pennsylvania. He hasn't been introduced to any kids yet, but don't think that will be a problem given his easy, laid-back attitude! He went on his first family vacation with Mommy, Daddy, and Bailey, to Myrtle Beach for a week, and he loved the beach!

Shy has adapted so incredibly well to our home, and loves to run in his big back yard, and to pick raspberries with Mommy. He seems to spend most of his time sleeping on the bed with the rest of the crew when we're not home, and just has the biggest smile on his face when we walk in the door! Such a wonderful, precious little guy, and we love him so much we feel like he's been ours forever!

Thanks, Rene!

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PJ and His New Mom

PJ's New Mom Writes to UYR!

I met precious little PJ at my office and after spending the day with him I decided he would be mine. I was surprised to hear that he was 10 years old because he has sooooo much energy!!!! (He runs circles around my parents dog Gadget who is also 10) When I took him home he was soooo excited he had friends to play with even though my parent's two other dogs are very old and not very fun!!! (well old in spirit considering PJ and Gadget are the same age but PJ acts just like a puppy... even better, he is a potty trained puppy!) PJ loved to chase my little brother's cat and she just loved to play hard to get and sit on a high spot so he could see her but couldn't get to her. Sometimes she would brush her tail across his head and tease him. However, two weeks ago my little brother's cat became a mom and PJ decided to play daddy!!!! He loves to protect the little ones!!! (He and Beatrix still manage to fit in time to play!!) Then, as if he didn't have enough people & pets to play with, my sister and her son moved back home!!! PJ just loves little Christian and he runs circles around the baby causing him to laugh and laugh!!! I am moving next week but don't worry about PJ because as soon as his adopted children are old enough to leave their mom we are going to pick one to come live with us!! Hopefully he or she will enjoy teasing and running around with PJ as much as Beatrix does!!

Diana McCraw

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Munchkin with mom, brother, and Aunt Pixie

Munchkin with mom, Ricky, and brother Henry

Munchkin went to be with his "FOREVER FAMILY" on 01/20/2007.

His new mom Rickie Hoffman and 100 pound fur-brother Henry just love him soooo much, and does Munchkin LOVE them!!

Here's a little note that Munchkin sent to me.

Dear Foster Mom:

Munchkin here. Just wanted to let you know that I'm doing very well at my new home! I have a younger but much bigger brother, Henry, who seems to not mind that I'm here taking up my new Mom's lap space and time. He sometimes even tries to play with me but he's so much larger than I am that my new Mom tells him to 'take it easy' with me. Hmpf! Doesn't she know that I'm a big dog on the inside?

Anyway, I'm receiving a lot of love and attention and I've even put on a couple pounds, so my hip bones don't stand out anymore. My new Mom says that I look great! She says that she'll have to buy me a new jacket 'cause I've just about out-grown my old one.

She must really love me 'cause she's always giving me treats and teaching me how to do things like sit and 'give paw' (so who says that old dogs can't learn new tricks?!). I've even given her a couple kisses and she really liked that! Pretty soon, I'll have her eating out of my paw!

She also took me to the doctor and they said that I look like a spry 4 year old - instead of a 9 year old! I'm just in great shape, that's all!

Mom gave me a bath last night and I let her fuss over me and brush me and make me look all handsome. She even said I smelled better too!

Oh, and I have a new 'Grandma' too. She comes twice a day to let us guys out and give us treats! Wow! What a gig this is ~ I think I'll stay here forever!

We also have a lake in our backyard and you won't believe this, but we can 'walk on water' right now! You'll have to come and visit in the summer to see how wonderful it is!

Please say "Hi!" to all the other 'fur-kids' and thank you so much for finding me such a wonderful place!

Luv and kisses,


Munchkin and Ricky finding each other was meant to be. While at a Psychic Fair just browsing through a bookstore with Munchie, a psychic came over and asked to speak with Munchkin. Here, Ricky and Munchkin were once together in a previous life-time.

Ricky wrote:

So in the car on the way home (I've purchased him a doggie car seat), I looked over at him and asked him "Why did it take you 9 years to find me?!!" - He just gave me the sweetest look from those big brown eyes! (Like, where have YOU BEEN for the last 9 years!

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Kodi & New Dad


Kodi was an adorable yorkie boy, only 3 y/o, who was rescued from a high-kill shelter in South Florida and had signs of past abuse. He was just another throw-away pup, covered in ticks and fleas and it was obvious he had been neglected his entire short life.

Flash Forward several weeks (4/3/08)..........Kodi has been re-named "Yo". His new dad, Jay, and he are having a total blast. New Dad says that it only took 3-4 days for "Yo" to realize he was in his new FORever home. He reports that Yo seems more content and not as nervous about him stepping out. Dad said that he is such a smart little dude.....he already has learned "sit", "stay", "hungry?", "attack" (which means it's time to rough-house), and of course "bad dog".

New Dad said that they guys do sleep together...twice a day. Seems that they both like an afternoon nap. He says that Yo has become (in his mind only) a 120 lb. watchdog with a ferocious bark. ...he'll lay for hours watching the neighbors' dogs.

Direct quote from new Dad Jay.........."........you see, we're happy as dogs sitting under a shade tree. It just doesn't get any better---we both got lucky."

Jay and his buddy, the Yippin' Yorkie, Yo.

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