At United Yorkie Rescue we are blessed with an extraordinary success rate in finding forever homes for our rescued foster dogs. To share this joy we've created this "Happy Tails" page. Happy Tails is devoted to the celebration of these wonderful stories with everyone who loves dogs. We hope that you enjoy these "Tails" as much as we have. Thank you!!

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Entries 1501 - 1520 of 1536

Annie & Hallie

The Happy Family

Hello everyone ~~ Hallie and Annie here. We are twin little yorkie girlies. Our new parents drove all the way from Miami, Fl to Memphis TN just to rescue us, and let us tell you we were so happy to meet them. Even the ride back was great, we slept in our two beds in the back seat, had wonderful treats on the way back and plenty of rest stops. We are now living in a beautiful house with a really huge backyard, lots of green grass and plenty of places to explore. We have beds in the living room, kitchen and the office. Plus we have a really big bed in the bedroom where we can sleep with Mom & Dad. WOW! What a lovely life we are living. We even have a carriage and are allowed to go out to dinner. We owe all this to the wonderful people at United Yorkie Rescue!!

In our former home we were kept in a crate all day and all night and we were so unhappy.....that's no way for beautiful princesses like us to live now, is it?

We both have only one request. PLEASE, PLEASE adopt a dog ~~ it will not only make the dog's life richer, but your life as well. It really is an WIN- WIN situation. We also want to thank all the wonderful folks at United Yorkie Rescue for making all this possible. We urge all of you who read this to spread the word about UYR. Write your newspaper, contact all your friends, and let everyone know that each and every dog deserves a chance. We don't have the words to really tell you how happy we are.

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Annie & Hallie

The Happy Family

Hello everyone ~~ Hallie and Annie here. We are twin little yorkie girlies. Our new parents drove all the way from Miami, Fl to Memphis TN just to rescue us, and let us tell you we were so happy to meet them. Even the ride back was great, we slept in our two beds in the back seat, had wonderful treats on the way back and plenty of rest stops. We are now living in a beautiful house with a really huge backyard, lots of green grass and plenty of places to explore. We have beds in the living room, kitchen and the office. Plus we have a really big bed in the bedroom where we can sleep with Mom & Dad. WOW! What a lovely life we are living. We even have a carriage and are allowed to go out to dinner. We owe all this to the wonderful people at United Yorkie Rescue!!

In our former home we were kept in a crate all day and all night and we were so unhappy.....that's no way for beautiful princesses like us to live now, is it?

We both have only one request. PLEASE, PLEASE adopt a dog ~~ it will not only make the dog's life richer, but your life as well. It really is an WIN- WIN situation. We also want to thank all the wonderful folks at United Yorkie Rescue for making all this possible. We urge all of you who read this to spread the word about UYR. Write your newspaper, contact all your friends, and let everyone know that each and every dog deserves a chance. We don't have the words to really tell you how happy we are.

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Hi UYR foster moms!

I wanted to let you know that I am very happy here in the beautiful state of Maine with my new family and home. I do still think about you and will never forget what a wonderful foster home you gave to me. Dianne, I also wanted to say "Thank You" for being the caring person that you are, and opening up your heart and home to all of us pups needing new homes, or medical care, etc. We are so fortunate that people like you exist!

My brother, Kyuse, is quite handsome, and thinks that I am quite fetching as well! He loves to play with me for hours upon hours until we get so tired we have to take a nap. This is just my morning activity. After our morning nap, we go outside and play some more. I love to play with Riley's basketball! My new mom thinks I could be a championship soccer player :] Then we go in for a nap with dad :] I love all of my new toys, especially the rubber "Nylabone", and BIG red lobster with rope legs that Kyuse and I play tug-o-war with!!! Last night, we played "Mousie" with mom on the "big" bed. There is apparently a mouse under the blanket, but we have yet to see it! So we chase after it anyway. Very fun :]~

I think I am putting some weight in my new home as well, as both Kyuse and I are fed very well. My new doctor told my new mom that she could give us some cooked frozen vegetables in our food as a treat. I love the pea's, corn, and carrots :]~ Yummy! I can't wait to see how much I weigh when I go back to the vet on September 26th for my 2nd Lyme disease shot.

Oh yeah, I think my mom was going to try to take a picture of me in the pool on the boogie board, if the pool company doesn't come to close the pool up for the winter today :[ Boo! But, Kyuse tells me that it is just as much fun to run across the pool's winter cover and watch the water fly up out of the drain holes! He is such a dare devil :]~ Kyuse and I will also be posing for some pictures together, as well as pictures of me modeling my new Maine winter gear, if you want to post those to the "Happy Tails" website, as well as my letter to you today. Just let my mom know, and she will send those pictures to you, OK?

Well, I gotta run and play with Kyuse now...

Much puppy love and wet kisses~Gina

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We are getting ready to celebrate our first anniversary with Millie and I don't think there are enough words to tell you how much we love her. She is as beautiful as ever, and she went to the groomer today. We have three other Yorkies and it took her awhile, but she has learned to play tug of war with them and has become quite the sociable dog. She is still a mommy's girl, but I think that comes from the year of living with just one person. She is very attached to our 4 year old grand daughter, which is a miracle considering that she had never been with children.

I cannot thank you enough for our Millie. She sleeps on our pillow and is truly the queen of our house. I thank all of you at Yorkie Rescue for choosing us to take her.

As you can see, she hasn't changed much. She loves to jump on the kitchen counter, I think she is half cat. I have never seen a dog that can jump like this. Tomorrow is our annivesary with her and we are having a puppy Cake. Thanks again for the wonderful year.

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Gizmo and family

Gizmo and his family are perfect for one another

Gizmo was adopted in August of 2008 to a family that needed a 'child tested' Yorkie that would fit in with their family that included a young daughter. Since Gizmo was 'child tested' by Auntie M's 2 year old granddaughter they knew he would be a perfect fit for them.

They drove more than 11 hours in one day to pick him up and take him to his wonderful Forever Home.

This is their second Christmas together!! Another United Yorkie Rescue 'HAPPY ENDING!'

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Roxie has a forever home

Roxie came into UYR when her owners dropped her off at a high-kill shelter because they apparently couldn't take care of this sweetheart anymore. What a precious little girlie who loves to go for long walks, jumping up and down like a pogo stick when Foster Mom brought out the leash. She also loved to give puppy kisses and go for car rides......and she had so much love to give to her new family. And she is certainly lovin' life now that she has a forever family. There's almost always someone home with this little princess who spends her time being loved on by her new mommy, her grandparents and her skin brother! Roxie will never ever be homeless again. Have a wonderful life, little Roxie!
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Skittlez and Sonny

Sonny's new mom writes:

Hi, Sonny is a very good little boy! He loves to play with Skittlez! Skittlez loves to play and now is the one starting the play! He is giving a lot more kisses since we've had him and when we say the magic word (potty) he spins in circles and is very happy! He jumps in the air and when he wants to play but we are laying down or sitting, he takes his bone and will fling it in the air or moan and bark for attention. Sonny makes us happy and is fitting in very well. The groomer said that when Skittlez was on the grooming table and Sonny was in the cage waiting for his turn, he wouldn't stop barking because he is so attached to Skittlez. He has a terrific personality! When we brush him he loves to hold the brush in his mouth!


Brittany - thank you for giving us Sonny - he is a pleasure.

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Jack and new mom

Hi! It's me, Jack! I used to be called Jackey, but now I'm "Just Jack". Sorry this Happy Tails story is coming so late. I've been so busy having fun with my new family. I am sooo happy with my FURever mom, Marlene, and my fur-sister, Barbie. I just love my new life. Mommy says I am such a good little boy. She loves me to pieces and even takes me to work with her sometimes. Everybody at work loves me, too, and thinks I am so cute. I make sure she tells them I was rescued by UYR. Thank you UYR for saving my life and finding me such a great mommy!

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Hello, Just wanted to say Hi & Let You Know that the Girl's are doing Great! Jaide's The protective Big Sister, Whenever Another Dog is around. Daizee's making great progress with her Housebreaking. During Fay last week we put fake grass in the screen porch area & She went there it was awesome. We Couldn't be happier. Thank you All so much Aren't they just Gorgeous in These pictures??

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Molly looking content

When I first read about Molly, my heart went out to her. Being a rescue, I wasn't sure if I could handle it. So, after much thought and prayer, I decided to adopt her.

She shares my home with India, my other yorkie. We go for daily walks around the neighborhood and she loves to ride in the car. Sometimes she looks so intently at me I wonder what she is thinking.

If anyone is contemplating adopting a rescue, my advice is give a yorkie a chance at a good life. I am glad I did!

Cindy Duranti

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Update from Rose's new mom,

Hi, I just wanted to let you know things are going well with Rose. She is coming out of her shell and is getting along well. She and her brother Dinky still have a way to go, but are making progress. I'm sending a few pictures of the kids. One is of me with Dinky on the left and Rose on the right. Another is of Rose and the last is of Rose and Dinky having fun tearing up papers :) Rose is a great dog and I would encourage anyone to consider adopting a rescue dog.

Warm Regards,

Claire Hoyt

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Lauren and Lucky

Lucky couldn't be happier!

Lucky wrote to UYR to tell us how he's doing in his new home!

I am very happy with my new family. We are having a great time. I have been playing with all my new toys. My favorite is a blue lobster. I guess my new mommy, Lauren, is spoiling me. On second thought she just loves me sooooo much J!! Thank you for helping find such a loving family. I couldn't have done it without you. I have learned to sit, and lie down, but I just don't get "roll over" yet. I have been going for walks and riding on a floaty in the pool. This is the life. My allergies are doing great. I have only scratched once, well maybe twice, but I feel great. I am sending a few pictures so you can see how I am doing. Tell all my friends I love them.

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08/10/08: From Dude's Forever Mom....It is hard to believe that it has been over 2 months since little Dude came to live with us. We love him so much. He is such a special little guy. I cannot believe that anyone could consider him a lost cause. He is doing so very well. He trusted us more each day and he very rarely shows any sign of aggression. The last time he went to the groomer, she told me he was a different dog than she first met.

Gizmo, his sister, causes him the most grief. She is still learning to play with him and tends to bark a lot. He has been very patient with her. I love to watch them chase each other around the house. I want to thank UYR and TN Mom Kathee Stallings for giving us the opportunity to have him in our lives. We are glad that our home is his forever home.

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Harry's Family

Harry's Original Bio 04/05/08: Hi everyone! My name is Harry! FM says I'm not going to be in foster care for long. That's because she says I am the most adorable little man she has ever met! I was a street stray wandering all by my lonesome and when my owners never came looking for me, UYR rescued me and here I am! I am 7 pounds and am estimated to be between 4-5 years old. I am very well-mannered and go to the door when I want to be let out and sit by my food dish when I am hungry. (Aren't I smart!?)

Rockee's Original Bio 05/01/08: Hey everyone! My name is Rockee; I was rescued by UYR from a high kill shelter in So Florida. I am only 2 years old and weigh just 6#. My FM named me Rockee because I'm blind in one eye and she thought I probably have had a 'rocky' life up until now. I was being treated for conjunctivitis at the shelter, but when I went to see UYR's vet, she said that I had a puncture wound to my left eye and because it was left untreated, that eyeball is a little smaller and I am blind in that eye. It's no biggie! I get around JUST FINE! :) I'm a cuddle-bug and love to sit on your lap.

Harry & Rockee were adopted into their Fur-ever home on May 9, 2008 and Rockee was re-named "Max".

Let's join them in a conversation today:

HARRY: So... Max, what is it you like best about living in Orlando?

MAX: I thought we'd see "Mickey" more, but I really like our new home and having two Daddies. When one doesn't give me attention - I just go to the other!

HARRY: I'm just glad our Foster Mom had us both so they could fall in love with us at the same time!!

MAX: She'd be proud that we're going to school every Saturday at Petsmart, so hopefully we won't have to wear belly bands anymore, and that we walk our Dad's every night (except when it rains - we have to keep our good looks!).

HARRY: I like all the treats we get when we're good and all the new tricks we're learning!!

MAX: Yeah, that "paw" one was easy!!! Maybe one of these days I'll give one of them a kiss and really shock them!!

HARRY: I kiss them all the time - I love our new home. They're just wild about me!!!

MAX: I know - they like me a lot too! Ever since I saw them, I've had my eye on them!!!

HARRY/MAX: Thank you UYR for blessing us with such a nice home!!!!!

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Mr Jingles
Mr Jingles

A Happy Tails note to Mr. Jingles former foster mom.

Posted 06/13/08: Rene, Jingle, now owns the neighborhood. I don't put a leash on him unless we are on our 3 mile jaunt every day. His weight is down and his activity level is higher... We took the Kennel and put it away as he never went in it....He goes in for a grooming and nail trimming every two weeks and he's going to have a teeth cleaning.

My neighbors love him as I let him come out with me to put out the trash and he goes to visit. He returns as soon as I call him and he loves to Sun bath in the back yard. He's also be come a Soap Opera watcher with my wife.

He's like a God sent to the entire Family...Everybody volunteers to walk him....Last, he only eats a half cup of Royal Canine and as a treat we give him Vita Bone treats.

He had two accidents the second week with, but since no problem.....

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Phoebe in the shelter

Phoebe today!

Little Phoebe was brought into the shelter a matted mess, there were sticks and twigs coming out of her severely neglected and overgrown coat. The shelter staff decided the humane choice would be to shave her to the skin. Phoebe lived in a loving UYR foster home for 2 months, where she learned how wonderful it was to be a beloved companion again, and most importantly, she also learned how much she was loved. Then, a kind gentleman who had an abundance of love to share, decided to take a chance on a sweet little yorkie-poo who was in need of a good home.

Fast Forward - one year later.....Phoebe has a brand new name to go along with her new look - her adoptive Dad decided that she was a true gem - and named her "Ruby". Look at this little princess now - she is as beautiful on the outside as she always was on the inside. Her previously matted and neglected coat has grown in, and her beautiful appearance now matches her beautiful personality. Please let Phoebe/Ruby's story inspire those looking to adopt to take a chance on a shelter or rescue dog, one like Ruby that might be a "work in progress." It is likely you may find a hidden treasure -a true gem - just like this precious little girl who now is adored by her new dad and her fur-brother and everyone who knows her.

Ruby, you will never be forgotten by the Foster Mom who pulled you from the shelter nor by the Foster Mom & Dad who uplifted your spirit and showed you what unconditional love is.......we hope that your story will be inspiring to others who may give another little matted rescued dog a chance............have a happy life, sweet girl.

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Listen to Baylee sing for his new family!

Baylee Sings

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Hello, Just wanted to say Hi & Let You Know that the Girl's are doing Great! Jaide's The protective Big Sister, Whenever Another Dog is around. Daizee's making great progress with her Housebreaking. During Fay last week we put fake grass in the screen porch area & She went there it was awesome. We Couldn't be happier. Thank you All so much Aren't they just Gorgeous in These pictures??

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The old Romeo

Romeo/Watson's new look

Romeo, now known as Watson, came into UYR because his former family was unable to spend enough time with him and they wanted a better home for him. He was a very sweet little boy who suffered from mild separation anxiety because of his history of being left alone so much. Below is an email from Watson's new family - sounds like he's living large - in Germany!

Watson is doing fantastic; he has been with us now for 15 months and is such a wonderful little guy. We moved from Tampa to Germany last summer and will be here for another year. We live in a nice house that has a fenced in backyard. The living room has big picture windows that look out into the yard and Watson and his brother Webster spend hours looking out the window; if they see something they want to bark at, they run out the dog door. Just behind the yard is the forest where we take Watson and his brother Webster on nice walks. The neighbors all take their dogs for walks through the woods, so that gives "the boys" plenty to bark at throughout the day. The two of them get along really well and are fun to watch and be around. Watson likes to be around someone, so he will follow me around the house, or his his dad if I am not home. He takes naps on the couch either on a blanket or propped up on a couple of pillows (his favorite) and likes to sleep curled up on the bed at night. He has been a wonderful addition to our family. Thank you UYR for allowing us to adopt this precious little boy!

From Watson's Forever Mom & Dad & Fur-Brother Webster

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Scamp, Sadie, and Khaki

Khaki's forever mom writes......Khaki is such a sweet little teddy bear. He loves to play with his big brother Scamp. He barks at him to wake up and play when he is bored and chases him around the Christmas tree. He loves going on walks, to the dog park, playing with squeaky toys, and of course, snuggling. He does not have a mean bone in his body and loves anyone he meets whether they are people, dogs or even cats. The only thing that seems to bother him is when squirrels invade his yard and he has to defend his territory. We are so lucky to have met him and he is a perfect fit into our playful family.

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