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The Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Author unknown...
Koda FO
4/6/23: Today we lost sweet Koda, a lucky boy who was able to spend the last 8 months of his life with a loving foster family. He will be missed dearly.
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Jersey FO
03/19/23: Sadly today we had to help sweet Jersey, our FO pup, to the bridge. She was in the last stages of kidney failure and nothing more could be done to help her.
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Diesel FO
Diesel passed over the rainbow bridge today. He will be missed but we are grateful he is now at peace.
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Paisley FO
1/5/23: Sadly sweet Paisley was helped to the Rainbow Bridge. Congestive heart failure set in further compromising her failing kidneys. Rest in Peace sweet girl! Your mommy and daddy are devastated as are those who also loved you.
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Gail Wiggins, David Lavine, Lynne Turner, Heather Beal, Dan Clauser, Carol Nelson, Sandra Wendt, Sandy Pagnotta Susan Kendrick, Crystal Dicosola, Pamela Labastida, Alex LeBlanc, Pat Higgins
12/27/22: I wanted to give you all the update. It is not a good update. The Dr. and I spoke early this am. They were waiting for the radiology report but his kidney values were not going in the direction they were hoping for. We had that hard discussion regarding letting him go but we opted to give him some more time with fluids and antibiotics and nausea med to see if he would just make that turn. I also wanted to see the radiology report. She had performed an ultrasound and we discussed those findings. I told her I would be there after noon to see him. when i arrived Nicholas was soundly sleeping. Dr Williams came over and she told me about the radiology report. Nicholas had a mass more than likely on his liver. He had mineralization's on his kidney's, he had collapsed vertabrae. The devastating news was his bloodwork had his BUN at 357 and Creatine not readable...he was now in total kidney failure. I reached out to an amazing medical friend of the rescue community and he absolutely agreed it was time. I told Dr Williams to get me a private room and she brought Nicholas to me. She let me have my moments with him. But in an instant, I had her come right back in quickly as he started to cry...my heart broke. I kissed his sweet forehead and told him he was so loved. and I was his messenger to a place where his life would be blessed and to run free baby. I had to stay quite awhile after as I was so broken over this precious baby. I was so angry at the human that left this baby in this deplorable condition. I was so angry and trying to wrap my head around "how" in God's name did this little one get on the side of the road...he couldn't even walk! I was angry that this little baby looked like he had just been groomed and was clean but his body wreaked of death and illness...why?!! I will never know these answers...that's a part of rescue that takes that special heart. I do know, I was his messenger and that I turned my job over to God and sweet Nicholas is running with the angels now. Our amazing vets didn't even charge us for the euthanasia or the cremation services to bring this little one home. He touched hearts in so many ways. Thank you to everyone who donated for this little mans care. He was blessed to have you as his warriors and angels as we are blessed as well. Bless you all!!
My dear friends...educate anyone you see as to what is important in these babies lives. Rescue does not care what we take in...we are rescue...but please give that baby a chance to die comfortably and in the arms of love.
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2/8/23 Sadly today we lost precious Evie after a disastrous kidney stone surgery.
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Miloh FO
Miloh crossed the rainbow bridge... he will be missed
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 We will see you again at Rainbow Bridge. Run free sweet baby girl
10/11/22: Today little Heidi made her journey to Rainbow Bridge. Heidi came to UYR after she was attacked by a Westie and slung up in the air when she was 3 weeks old. She arrived to us at 4 months old and we immediately noticed that she still had several issues which concerned us greatly. Heidi wasn't able to eat or drink on her own and she circled when she walked. After her first visit to the vet, it was determined that she might have both hearing and sight loss. She only weighed 1.6 pounds at her first visit.
She went back a week later and she weighed 1.9 pounds. The vet decided we needed to have a referral to a Neurologist. We had the appointment yesterday, 10/10/22, at Mississippi State University Specialist Clinic. Heidi underwent a CT Scan where it was determined that Heidi's brain and brain stem sustained substantial damage that was not repairable. There were no courses of action that could be taken to improve her health and allow her to live a more functional life.
So we took little, now 2.2 pounds Heidi home to get one more night of love and attention. She was in the arms of her foster mom and was snuggled in her favorite Christmas fuzzy blanket. She was napping peacefully when she crossed over.
Heidi is now seeing and hearing and running happily at Rainbow Bridge without any pain and suffering.
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 Rest In Peace sweet girl. You were very loved.
9/30/22. Today our sweet little Sophia went on her final journey over the Rainbow Bridge. Sophia's time to cross over Rainbow Bridge had sadly come! She was my first foster with United Yorkie Rescue. She came to me in December of 2021. When we took her to the vet, she was given a grim diagnosis of an aggressive cancerous tumor in her jaw. This little sweetheart walked into my house as if she had always been there. She touched the hearts of everyone she meet! She meet lots of people and traveled with me several times. She was the best behaved little dog ever!
As the growth of the tumor progressed, we would change food or how we fed her, she always wanted to eat! Eventually, both sides of her jawbone were no longer attached. The tumor would form abscesses on top. Even a few days before her end, she was still her happy loving self even though the tumor had now pressed on the optic nerve causing complete blindness. Then the tumor grew to block her throat--choking and gurgling water trying to get it to go down.
So with broken hearts, we took her to the vet who put her to sleep peacefully with no more pain. Sophia lived with me for 9 1/2 months! Although I am sad to not have her with me, she gave me so much more than I ever gave her. My constant little travel buddy. Across town or on a plane, my little angel has spread her wings! Be happy little Sophia!
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Bentley is a 10 year old , 9.5 pound Yorkie boy. He is being fostered in Hiawassee,GA
9/15/22 Bentley was suffering from a severe neurological disorder and it was determined the most humane thing to do was allow him to cross the bridge in peace. Everything medically was done to help this sweet boy but we aren't sure since he came from a shelter if he was injured in some way before coming into Rescue. He was loved by his foster mom and she was there holding him as he passed.
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Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Karry Rogers, Sandy Pagnotta, Linda Hawkins, Ellen Chokreff, Antinea Cremonesi, Barbara Burgess, Shawn Hudson, Carol Gostomski, Barbara Burgess
The last couple of days have been difficult for Journey. After her diagnosis of Mass Cell Tumors grade 3. She was scheduled to see the oncologist, but it was not meant to be. She was such a happy girl and her tail wagging all the time. However, this morning she woke with difficulty breathing and very lethargic she was rushed to Blue Pearl and taken back immediately to be given oxygen. After the doctor's evaluation it was decided that she was in so much pain and that she would best be served allowing her to pass over the rainbow bridge. This was a very difficult choice, but we know this was the best choice for her. She is now smiling and wagging her tail again no longer in pain. Thank you to everyone for all your support during Journeys cancer journey.
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Muffin was rescued back in 2017. This sweet girl came to us very sick and severely underweight and her condition was very guarded. She was losing weight rapidly, and spent lots of time back and forth to the Vet trying to figure out why. After seeing a specialist Vet and undergoing lots of testing, it was discovered that Muffin has a condition called Lymphangiectasia. In a nutshell, this means that the lymph glands in Muffin's body that line her stomach and intestinal tract are dilated (enlarged) more than normal. This causes her body to lose protein through her intestinal tract. Lymphangiectasia is a chronic and potentially serious condition that Muffin would have for the rest of her life. However with the proper treatment she gained weight and was finally able to be adopted back in 2018. Her forever mom reached out today to let me know that Muffin has passed. We are so sorry for her loss, but also grateful to her forever momma who took care of her and loved her so much. Muffin's dogtor said she lived longer than most with this type of condition. I know this was because of all the wonderful love and care UYR took getting her healthy again... and to her forever momma for continuing that care. This just goes to show what a little love and care can do. Muffin would have been 15 this year. ADOPT DONT SHOP!
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8/3/22 Sadly today we lost Shawty. He was discharged on the 2nd and was stable enough to go home and managed well through the night but took a downturn this morning. We rushed him back to the ER but they were unable to get him stable again. While his pneumonia was a common strain, he had been sick for too long and didn't have the strength to overcome this.
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Rusty TX
6/30/22 Sadly today we had to help Rusty to the Rainbow Bridge. He had declined so much in the last month, his appetite was lacking and his vertigo increasing. He had even more difficulty walking due to the impact of his disease on his brain. He had dropped to 3.2 pounds and we decided it was best to help end his suffering. Rest in peace sweet Rusty...run free and healthy again.
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6/27/22 Sadly today sweet Chauncey went to the Rainbow Bridge. He passed away in his sleep at home. Here is what his foster mom had to say:
I had the pleasure of being Chauncey's foster mommy since 8/2/21. He was a 4 lb senior, blind medical Yorkie, about 14 years of age who came to us from a shelter. He needed all his teeth pulled and he had several other medical conditions too. He was always so full of life and the Alpha dog in the household until the end. He ruled the home.
In his final month, Chauncey tried so hard. He had kidney, heart, and anemia problems. He also had an ulcerated eye that was going to need surgery. Still, he never gave up. He was one of a kind. He was still running around until his last day. Chauncey loved his foster family and his home, and we loved him. Chauncey knew love in his final chapter.
Chauncey leaves behind his foster family which included 2 foster brothers Koko and Jared.
Many wonderful followers and United Yorkie Rescue donators, thank you very much. Without your contributions to UYR, dogs like Chauncey cannot have a final chapter of love and often die in the cold shelters unloved and alone. Thank you again for your support to UYR.
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6/17/22 Update: KeKoa passed away in his sleep. He spent his last days loved and very much cared for.
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Rhett Muttler FO
06/01/2022 Sadly today we lost Rhett Muttler due to his progressively worsening heart disease.
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Karry Rogers, Penny Cooper, Yvette Vangeloff, Lynne Turner, Lyn Greenspan, Allison Triplett, Lori Anderson, Rebecca Morgan, Karen McKeand, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Jesusa Salinas, Crystal Dicosola, Don O'Brien, Pamela Labastida, David Lavine,Triple H Kennels, Stephanie Slack, Kennon Hudson, Yvette Vangeloff, Cheryl Scrupski, Wendy Henry, Dan Clauser, Alex Leblanc, JoAnn Townsend, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Janae Colburn, Pamela Labastida, Sandy Pagnotta, Leza Womack
Leslie Corbell, Jayne Newell, Kristine Revell, Andy Woodruff, Cheryl McBrayer, Alyssa Powley, Ginger Diane Mills, Annette Weeks, Tricia Padberg, GiGi, Patsy Wynne, Ula Fronczyk, Sherry Ouart, Terry Tobias, Barbara Burgess, Jax Elliott, Jackie Pittenger, Bret Park, Judy Hufford, Susan Higgins-Harvey, Sherill Shei, Mike Porter, Donella Thomas Hill, Deborah Mattu, Christine Kettele, Linday Murray, Susan Horton Fidler, Donna Alexander Martin, Tim Hawkins, Dave Scharfenberg, Jane Mangini, Orit Mayor, Monica Navarre, Nata Sha, Susan Kendrick, Gail Wiggins, Billi Bouthot, Cindy Mitchell-Clark, Gail Wiggins, Jane St. John, Barbara Burgess, Theresa McDivitt, Nicole Cole, Natasha Cruz, Lynda Smith-Symms, Brenda Gardner, Diana Shoykhetbrod, Debi Oshima, John McCormick, Crystal Dicosola, Ruth Ann Noe, Ann Stone, Ann Underwood, Sherill Shei, Bret Park, Yoly Velez-Tarr, Karry Rogers, Debbie Wilkes-Bass, Sandy Lucido, Joan Simms-Ashbrook
5/31/22 We are so totally devastated, and it is with such sadness to tell all of you that United Yorkie Rescue lost our sweet baby boy Ziggy. Ziggy has been under ER care for two days after being admitted and discharged for the better part of the week. Today he became septic and along with all his other horrific issues, he tested positive for Parvo after having been negative for the past week and half. This little angel didn't deserve this, and as a rescue, it hurts our hearts when breeders and owners delay or refuse to take precious life-saving medical action for these babies. We love you sweet Ziggy and you went to God knowing you knew you were loved by your foster momma, your baby sister and fur-sibling brother. You gave your foster momma a tail wag that is etched in her heart forever. Bless you all that read his story, that shared and donated. You are truly a blessing and the reason this little boy had his 2 weeks to know love. Thank you!
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5/14/22 Sadly today we had to help sweet Elijah to the Rainbow Bridge. Late on the night of the 13th, he suffered a grand mal seizure. His foster mom rushed him to the ER where they kept him comfortable with supportive care. At 4:30 in the morning he had another seizure. We knew it was time to help ease his suffering. His foster mom said:
"It was terribly sad. I took him into a private room and just let him curl up by me. He was fairly sedated. I could tell these seizures really affected him. He stumbled and fell over a couple of times when I placed him on the ground... he never did that before. They brought him in with a tray of special treats...chicken, rice crispy treats... he ate like he always did...enjoyed it so much! He cried a soft little cry after he got the sedation injection but I just held him so close and kissed him and told him I had him and told him how much I loved him. Then he just snuggled in and relaxed for his freedom." Elijah, you were so loved and we wish you had more time with us.
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Daphne FO (WI)
4/5/22 Sadly in the night, Daphne passed away. It is believed she threw a clot after having successfully undergone a dental the previous day. She came through the procedure with flying colors but unfortunately something happened overnight. Foster mom and her son tried CPR as they were rushing her to the ER vet clinic, but to no avail. Daphne came to us in 2014 with an inoperable liver shunt. She was 2 years old at the time. Her foster mom did an amazing job managing her health all these years. Daphne was a beautiful little girl and will be truly missed by her family.
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